Sorry I am still so MIA! I have a little baby update. Apparently, I have something called a subchorionic hemorrhage, which made me have some bleeding. And by some, I mean so much that it was enough to thoroughly terrify a pregnant girl. The doctors wanted to see me asap and I'll be honest, that was one tough drive to make. Because at the time I didn't really know there could be any other reason for that much bleeding.
The good news is that the baby is still doing well. They had to do another sonogram to diagnose the cause of the bleeding and said they baby had grown a lot and had a good, strong heartbeat. This time seeing the heartbeat was just pure relief. They think the tear should resolve on it's own but put me on bedrest until I go at least a week with no bleeding. So between the bedrest and the nausea, I still might not be around a ton. It's looking like this might not be the easiest pregnancy ever but I don't mind that so much as long the baby stays healthy.
The whole ordeal took three hours and while I was waiting I found this verse in my journal, which I very much want to share with you: I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I entrusted to Him for that day – 2Timothy 1:12