A peek into our week. I tried to tell y’all that somehow Lucy Dog manages to photobomb basically every picture ever taken in this house.
Scarlette is talking so much lately and sometimes she even makes sense. Around her third birthday I started curling up next to her at night and saying a bedtime prayer. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of the day because it’s a sweet, sacred time but also because Scarlette’s prayers are hilarious (and okay, also because I’m real exhausted.)
Like this one: “Fank you God dat I have fingersh, fibe of dem, one, two, fwee, four, fibe. And dat my mommy has shum fingers and my mommy wouldn’t wet me hab da fwoggy book and I weally, weally wanted to wead the fwoggy book. Amen.
And this one: Fank you God up in da air for me, for my bed and for my mommy and for my daddy and for daddy’s computer
And last night during prayers Scarlette said “Um, Mommy? I hab a question to make. What is my bed made out of?” So I told her it was made out of wood and she said “Oh! Okay! Fank you God for my bed dat is made out of wood.”
I also have gotten in the habit of asking Scarlette to tell me about her day. For awhile she looked at me like “Um, excuse me woman. I spend all day with you. Have you forgotten ALREADY?” But now she humors me and says stuff like this: “I ate shum wettuce but I wish I ate shum M&Ms”
Here are some other funny stories about this girl who keeps me on my toes:
She has become fascinated with rocketships lately. Jeff and I had been leaning towards not doing Santa in our house and so we haven’t talked about him at all. I assumed this meant we might just avoid Santa all together this year but between books and movies and random people in stores who constantly ask her what Santa is going to bring her for Christmas, Scarlette has put together her own idea of Santa. It involves him driving a rocketship to bring her cookies.
“I weally wike to shee Shanta because he bring me da cookies in da wed wocketship.”
This esteemed position used to be held by Jesus (See bedtime prayer from November 14: “Fank you God up in da air for Mommy and for Jeeshus who gabe me dat gween rocketship wif da cookie in it” )
So I’m not sure if this is an improvement or not, quite frankly.
Scarlette hasn’t been able to eat much for the past few days as we dealt with some of her preemie GI issues. Today I told her she could have whatever she wanted for breakfast and she said “OH MOMMY! I JUSHT WANT ALL DA FOODS DAT DERE IS! I JUSHT WANT ANYFING DAT IS DA FOODS!”
Scarlette woke up this morning and said “Oh hey Mommy, what are you going to make for me today? I would wike shum eggs to be made.”
Scarlette’s grandmother is called “Janie.” I just told Scarlette that she could not play with something. She said “WAIT MOMMY! WE JUSHT NEED TO CALL JANIE ON DA PHONE AND ASHK HER IF I CAN PWAY IT!”
For the past month or so I’ve been having Scarlette help me do the laundry. She helps carry pieces downstairs, loads it all, sets the dials and turns it on while I give her directions. I just put her down for a nap and she asked me what I was going to be doing and so I told her work and laundry.
She yelled “NO! Don’t do da waundwy wifout me! Wait! I do da waundry after I rest my body!”
In addition to saying funny things, she also remains hilarious in her actions. Like how we went to visit Jeanette and as I was packing up I discovered that Scarlette had taken all of the bars of soap out of Jeanette’s bathroom & stuffed them in the feet of her footie pajamas.
(I asked her about it and she said “YETH I DID. I WEALLY WIKE SHUM SHOAP.”)
She also does some not so funny things. Like, I wonder what the people in the other stalls thought when they heard me yell “NO! WE DON’T PUT OUR HEAD IN THE TOILET!”
But the other morning I said “I love you, Scarlette!” and she said “I love you, Scarlette’s Mommy!” and that made up for it.
I have a ton more of her funny little sayings that I wrote down in my blue and gold notebook, which she absconded with one day when she was playing Blue’s Clues (it’s handy dandy) and thus, those will be another post for another time. Happy Thursday!