(I stood outside her door and took a ton of pictures of her playing the other day just for memory’s sake.)
Since I told stories on her yesterday, I thought I’d share some of the cute things she says/does today!
♥ I told Scarlette it was time to get in bed and she said “Wait! Wait Mommy! I can’t get in my bed! Daddy bwoke it!” So I asked her about how Daddy broke her bed and she said “YEAH! When I was a little baby daddy got my bed and he broke it in half and den he frew all the pieces in da twash! And now I hab no bed anymore!”
♥ I just asked Scarlette to do something and she replied “Oh! Wait jusht a minute Mommy, I’m texting Bob The Tomato”
♥ I have her birth footprint framed in her room and she looked at it and said “Mommy, can you tell me a shtory about when I was a tiny little baby and you got my pawprint?”
♥ She loves Buzz Lightyear but lately she’s been pretending to be Sid when she plays. You know, the evil kid that tortures toys. RIGHT. So I’m watching her play and she grabs her Woody doll and starts talking in this really growly voice, going “WET’S GO HOME AND PWAAAAY HA HA HA HA HA!” And then I was all “Why don’t we play a nice, quiet, non-creepy game of animal bingo?” because I was frightened.
♥ Jeff called to tell Scarlette goodnight and asked her what she did that day. She answered “Well Daddy, I ate shum dinner wif Buzz Lightyear. We had shum shoup (we had pasta) and shum bwuebewwies (no) and waffles (no) and cookies (no) and shum bwoccowi. You would have WEALLY wiked dat dinner, Jeff!”
♥ I bought a used Tag Jr. at a consignment sale as her big Christmas gift this year only I didn’t realized that when she opened it it was going to say”Thanks for reading with me, Jacob!” I changed it to say Scarlette later that day. It’s been a month since Christmas and every single time she turns it on and it says her name she comes running out of her room going “HEY! DAT SHAY SHCARWUT! DAT SHAY MY WEAL NAME!” It makes me laugh that she always says “my real name!” as opposed to just her name, as though there is a difference.
♥ The other day I said “You need to adjust that attitude little missy!” and she said “I not a wittle missy! I a Shcarwut Bonne Lastname! I got three names because I am three years old!”
♥ Scarlette thinks it is really funny to call us by our first names, so now she asks us questions like this: “Um Kayla, can I pwease hab anudder gwaham cwacker Kayla pwease for me to eat Kayla?”
♥ I took Scarlette to the grocery store with me. She looked at the cashier and in her best Toy Story voice said “WELL HELLO THERE, LITTLE LADY!”
♥ Scarlette said “I be wite back Mommy, I jusht needa go do shumfing weal quick!” I found her in my bed wearing her sunglasses and singing Dixie Chicks (photo evidence on instagram)
♥ I got a little exasperated by the fact that I had told Scarlette to stop playing with my printer several times (and by “playing with” I mean “sticking random objects in”) and so I said “Scarlette, does that look like a toy?” And she replied really slowly “Um…sure it does.”
♥ After time out, I asked Scarlette if she understood that I had told her not to do something because I did not want her to get hurt. And she said “OHHHHH! No, Mommy. YOU not unnershtood! I can’t GET hurt!” Apparently she actually does think that she is invincible.
♥ This is one of Scarlette’s bedtime prayers: “Dear God, fank you for Oakaley and for my bed and for *names every single person we know* and for Shanta Cwause because I fink he fell out da sky onto my bed and dat weally hurt him.”
♥ And another:”Dear God, fank you for fwiends and sunny weather and my mommy’s nose and Buzz Lightyear and I not eat my dinner.”
I seriously adore this kid. And she is getting so big and talking so much! Here is the first #stuffscarlettesays post that I wrote down almost exactly one year ago. I can not believe how much she has changed.
(P.S. *referral links: She’s wearing this cardigan I just got on sale at Carter’s. I think the elbow patches are so stinkin’ cute and they are NOT hearts, even though the description says they are. They are ovals. And that rocketship is this one that we won stole at the holiday party)