Scarlette’s latest obsession is names and nicknames. First she wanted to know why J called me “Kayla” or “Honey” instead of “Mommy” which led to her being really interested in people’s “Other Names.” Every night during prayers she would ask us about the names of different family members until she memorized all of them. “What Nana’s udder name again?” she would ask me sleepily.
We call her Lettie and when one of us would say that she would indignantly stomp her foot and say “DAT NOT MY NAME! MY NAME SHCARWUT BONNE WASTNAME!” So then I tried explaining to her that yes, her name was Scarlette but that her NICKNAME was Lettie and that was a special name that her daddy had given her.
So now whenever she meets someone new the conversation goes something like this (exactly like this, actually):
TOTAL STRANGER: “My name is Cindy.”
SCARLETTE: “But what your UDDER name?”
TOTAL STRANGER: *raises eyebrows at me questioningly* “Well, my middle name is Marie…”
SCARLETTE: “I wike dat name. Dis is my mommy. Her name is Mommy but her udder name is Kayla and her nickname is Kaylabug. My Pop ussa call her dat when she was a wittle baby. I was a teeny, tiny baby. Look at my new shoes!”
♥ I took Scarlette to her very first movie last week. After the movie, Scarlette turned to me and said “Dat was a great job taking me to dat movie, Mommy. I am so proud ob you.”
♥ I asked Scarlette to please come help me unload the dishwasher and she said “Actuawwy I can’t wite now. Maybe anudder day I can.” And when I said “Oh really?” She said “Is okay Mommy. Tomorrow is anudder day.”
♥ Scarlette was trying to tell my dad about a game she likes to play on My dad said “What is an ABC Mouse?” And Scarlette sighed really big and said “It’s a DOT COM, Pop.”
♥ I told Scarlette that I had a surprise for her and she said “OH! I KNOW! MAYBE IT GONNA BE A REAL LIVE BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!” She aims high, that one.
♥ Our nurse at the doctor’s office had her hair done in a lot of tiny braids and Scarlette said “Oh, I wike your bwaids. Dey are bery beautiful, wike Elsa. My mommy can’t do bwaids bery good. Yeah.”
♥ My dad, who Scarlette calls “Pop,” had her on his hip when we ran into someone that he knew. His friend said “I have a grandson about your age. Do you think you’d like to have a little boyfriend?” And Scarlette screwed up her nose and then said “No fank you, I just wike to have my Pop.”
♥ Scarlette is feeling a little better today, as evidenced by how J and I found her early this morning: sitting on top of our dining room table eating cookie cake. When we walked in she started laughing hysterically and said “I A WITTLE STINKER!”
♥ Today at the doctor’s office the nurse asked Scarlette how she was doing and Scarlette said “Oh, I just feeling a wittle bit nervous wite now.” Then the nurse and I were chatting about Scarlette being a very preemie baby. When the next nurse came to do her vitals Scarlette said “Hi, did you know I was a very creamy baby?”
SCARLETTE: “Mommy, can you dwaw me a boat?”
*Draws Elaborate Boat With Sidewalk Chalk*
SCARLETTE, walking around it and eyeing it critically: “Well, actuawwy Mommy, I don’t fink dat is a boat. I fink dat is actuawwy a SHIP.”