I found this dress online and thought it was so cute but it was sold out. So I did what any crafty person would do. I ordered the fabric and then asked my friend Tracie if she would make it for me.
I can not sew things, y’all. But didn’t it turn out so cute? I realize that you can’t totally tell on account of how I am still trying to figure out how not to get a blurry photo when shooting an always moving toddler on manual.
Scarlette wanted to be Turbo this year for Halloween. Do you know what Turbo is? It’s a snail. With racing gear. And I was all “Sure you can be Turbo!” because I made a cardinal parenting mistake of assuming that stores would just naturally carry Turbo Halloween costumes.
Spoiler alert: THEY DON’T.
I mean, I looked everywhere. The only thing I could find was an elaborately sewn DIY costume that had some sort of LED lights inside. And I thought asking Tracie to make that for me might ruin our friendship so I set out to make a Turbo costume myself.
My first three attempts were a massive fail.
Then earlier this week I took Scarlette to a costume store in an attempt to convince her to choose another costume. I was all “DON’T YOU WANT TO BE ELSA?!” when I spotted a little plastic hat. It was part of some other costume but I paid $1.99 for it, bought some sticky felt, some glow in the dark paint and some blue spray paint and I made a makeshift Turbo costume.
My kid has been crawling around like a snail for the past 48 hours.
It’s basically the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
Also cute? I thought we might should practice how to do Halloween, so that my child is polite and well mannered in public. And so I have also spent the past forty eight hours with Scarlette running through the house, slamming a door, knocking on it, yelling “TRICK OR TREAT” through the closed door and then bursting in the room saying “HI DO YOU HAVE ANY TWEATS FOR ME?”
Yesterday I found all of my bobby pins, two discarded juice boxes, a pair of my husband’s socks, and the water bill in her trick or treat bucket.
We have just a little bit more work to do before tonight.
Happy Halloween!