Currently You…
- Hate tummy time. You seriously scream at me for making you do this. I keep trying to entice you with toys and you just look at me like "Really, woman? You think that a plush bird is going to make me happy about this? Really?"
- Love bath time. For a long time you would just stare at the faucet intently, which I have to admit I found kind of weird until your daddy suggested that maybe you are like me and are inexplicably attracted to shiny things. But now you kick your feet in the water and gurgle at as when we pour water over you.
- Really, really dislike being in the car. Which is no good since most of your doctor appointments are about 45 minutes from home. You do okay if I put your lullaby CD in for you but I have to say, it doesn't seem super safe for a sleep deprived mommy to drive around with sleep inducing music playing.
- Are so sweet. You really are such a sweet baby. You smile at me anytime I come back into your line of vision, even if I just ducked into the closet to grab a shirt and you'd just seen me point five seconds earlier. I love that you love me so much.