Still on my to-do list: curtains, fabric to cover the chair seats and a large empty frame to surround the two on the wall. Overall though, we managed to refinish all of the furniture before we had family over for the holidays! Although I might have possibly been a little jumpy about people actually using said furniture, but you would be too if it took you nearly 20 hours to refinish it all. The table is for looking at people, not for eating at. Like a museum.
Here is the before shot of the dining room:
And here is the after:
I am pleased with this room because we saved a ton of money by refinishing my grandmother's dining room set. We already had the bench and we already have the curtains but I'm not very good at measuring things, so I've been forbidden to hang them. You make a couple extra holes in your first apartment and suddenly you're not allowed to use a drill anymore. Hopefully I can get Jeff to tackle that on Friday. His drill using privileges haven't been revoked.