A few weeks ago I was housesitting for my brother and sister in law and I will never do it again. You know why? Because my sister in law is like, the ultimate domestic goddess. Her house is all cute and clean and uberorganized. And she has a baby. I fell asleep each night watching old school Mandy Moore movies and wondering how in the heckfire she manages her household so well (not Mandy Moore, she probably has a maid or something). I've been married for nearly three years and I am still a terrible
housewife. I consistently blame this on working outside of the home but
that's a lie. When I was unemployed I was still a terrible housewife.
I have three housewife tips. Three. That's like, one housewife tip per year that I've been married. At this rate, my house won't be clean until I'm 75.
Here are my three. Please share yours. Seriously, I'm going to compile them into a housekeeping manual or something.
Housewife tip #1: Buy cute dishgloves. Liberally apply hand lotion prior to donning said cute gloves while washing dishes. I learned this from GLAMOUR, which means it probably doesn't even count.
I look really cute in those gloves though. And my hands are soft.
Housewife tip #2: The Magic Eraser makes sinks really, really shiny. Are they good for sinks? I don't know. But nothing else makes the sinks shine except for vinegar and the thing about vinegar is, it smells terrible. Why would you want to clean your house with that? I mean, yeah your countertops are pretty but then your house smells like a science experiment gone bad.
Housewife tip #3: I won an entire room of scrapbook storage from Making Memories. THAT'S NOT EVEN A TIP, THAT'S JUST BEING LUCKY.