- Jeff turned 28 this past week and I'm carrying on the celebration by eating cookie cake for breakfast.
- The candles on Jeff's cake said 29 because did you know that when made out of wax, the numbers eight and nine look exactly the same? I mean, not to everyone else at the party who were all like "why is there a nine on the cake?" But to me when I'm in the grocery store picking up party supplies and debating between the numbers 2 and 8 or twenty eight individual trick candles. Apparently, I should have chosen the latter.
- I learn a lot of important things through blogging. Like that as it turns out, the phrase is Timbuktu and it is an actual, factual place. Not ten buck two, as heard for the past 28 years by my brain that filters everything in a southern accent.
- I put my baby's feet in my mouth. That is horrifying and yet totally normal.
- Reader Poll: If you're reading a book and the book is just terrible, do you give up on it? Or do you finish it in hopes that it will get better? Jeff and I were debating the merits of finishing the book vs not finishing the book last night. Because some of us may or may not have been lying on the couch exclaiming "Seriously! This book is terrible! How does this person have a book deal and I don't?" To which the other one of us asked in exasperation why someone didn't just quit reading the book if all she was going to do was complain about how bad it was.
My Baby Clothes Boutique sent me that embroidered tutu onesie. I flippin' love overly girly things like that. They offered to give a $25 gift certificate to one of my readers so click here to enter to win, they have some great outfits & accessories!