Her weight gain is on target so we no longer need so many nursing visits. We just have to weigh her every day at home and report her weight. I got a real baby scale so that we don't have to weigh her on the Wii balance board anymore 😉
Her doctor feels as though developmentally she is right on target with her actual age. She is very engaging and loves to be talked to and played with. She thinks that Scarlette's social skills are on par with a 7 month old term baby. She says that happens in preemies because they are exposed to a social environment so early on.
Physically though, she is developmentally delayed. She is actually behind her adjusted age of three months in some areas. She still has some newborn reflexes but the biggest problem is the fact that she had fractures in the hopsital. Both legs and wrists were broken and so she did not learn to use them correctly at the time that she should have been developing those motor skills. Additionally, laying in a hospital bed for so long affected her muscle tone.
Her orthopeadist set us up for physical therapy so now Miss L comes to the house once a week and Scarlette and I have to do an hour a day of PT. We're working on getting her to reach and grasp for objects, lift her head up during tummy time, and roll from back to side. We also do some weight shifting excercises. It is hard because her right wrist fracture is not completely healed so she really favors it and she also has very fragile bones so we have to be extra gentle with her.
She's making great progress and held her head up three times this week for a few seconds during tummy time. She won't hold any of her hard or larger toys that the therapist recommended we get her but I got her a soft book and she will hold that. Go figure that she won't play with any of the stuff they told us to get, lol!
I'm really proud of how well she's doing. She works so hard during the therapy, I can tell she WANTS to grab her toys, but because it hurt her to reach for things she learned to jerk backwards and so she can't get her arms to go in the direction she wants them to and gets so frustrated!
*If you need a baby/toddler scale, this one was recommended to us and I shopped around and found it cheapest on Amazon. I like it and it's memory features but if Scarlette is really wiggly it won't read so I have to wait until she is super calm to weigh her each day.