Current Age (Actual): 7 months old
Current Age (Adjusted): 3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days old
Current Weight: 9lbs 12oz
Current Length: 23 inches
Current Milestones: You are starting to lift your head up during tummy time! Yay for meeting a goal! You're also doing better at reaching for things. And the big news? You can say "hi!" !!!!!! It's just the cutest thing ever. And Scarlette? Mommy and Daddy are SO proud of you. We can't believe you are saying your first word. You wake us up in the morning by going "hi, hi, hi, HI!"
Current Goals: Grasping an object, sitting up while bracing yourself with your arms, and rolling. We'll take any rolling, but we're working on back to side. You're really not into that at all.