Outtake: This is what happens when you ask Scarlette to be a dinosaur. She’s got the T-Rex hands down but she thinks that pre-historic lizards licked people.
I am in need of some mommy advice. We are T-minus four months into our quarantine and have two more months to go. And when I think about two more months of this, I have to resist the urge to bang my head against my desk repeatedly. It will be better when it warms up and we can play outside more. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself as I gaze longingly out of the frost-covered window. And I am counting down the days until we can go to our library’s reading time or attend play dates.
So here is where I’d love some suggestions: I need some ideas of things to do with Scarlette. She’s a bit all over the map developmentally- she loves doing sing along songs with hand motions but she’s not able to play sorting games, like moving beans from one bin to another. She’s not too fond of blocks yet but does very much enjoy destroying things.
I’m not alone in this, right? You know, how some days we will play with ALL of her toys and sing ALL of her songs and read ALL of her books and I’m lightheaded from blowing ALL of her bubbles thinking to myself “Okay self, that killed two hours. Oh, you want to tear that newspaper into seven million tiny pieces? Sure, knock yourself out.” Yeah, I think we need some more activities.
So what things kept your little one entertained? Mine is currently taking apart her foam mat and throwing the pieces at Lucy Dog. Like I said. Destroying stuff.