So because I have apparently lost my ever-lovin’ mind, I decided that it would be a good idea to fly solo around the country with Scarlette. You know, because I’m so good at things like navigating airports and not hyperventilating when the plane takes off.
I had to be in three different cities and Jeff had a work commitment which meant that he couldn’t go with me. And I was all “I can totally travel alone with Scarlette while you hold down the fort” because obviously I was not of sound mind. Probably I made that decision after watching The Hunger Games and was feeling all ashamed about how I can’t forage off the land and stuff so I decided to prove my awesomeness by trying to do things like “catch a connecting flight while wearing a baby and dragging a carseat and carry-on through the airport.” Same thing, Katniss Everdeen.
Although I bet Katniss Everdeen could have figured out a solution to the small problem of one of the carseat cart wheels RANDOMLY FALLING OFF AS I WAS WHEELING IT THROUGH THE AIRPORT. In case my excessive use of capital letters there did not adequately express my frustration with that issue, let me tell you how awesome it is for an anxiety-ridden traveler to fly alone with her toddler only to have the wheel fall off of her RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE CAR SEAT AIRPORT CART multiple times in one of the busiest airports in the world. NOT AWESOME AT ALL, GO GO BABY. Not. Awesome. At. All.
We visited both of Scarlette’s great-grandmothers while we are traveling and the time spent with them has been so good. My internet connection though, it has not been so good. I am typing this on the back porch, holding the laptop in a southerly direction that I assume to be wi-fi friendly for no real reason other than I think there is a grocery store over that way. But I am literally staring at nothing for miles except for a giant field of cotton so there isn’t much to work with in terms of things like “internet.”
So forgive my silence/unanswered emails. I’m opening my heart to the lack of bars on my data plan and soaking up this time with far-away friends and family. I’m also enjoying the mommy/baby time (but missing Jeff a bit, Scarlette keeps “calling daddy” on her pretend cell phone.)
And in case you were wondering how all of this traveling is affecting my sweet girl, apparently she thinks she is a seasoned traveler and was oblivious to her mommy’s panic attack as she tried to balance a baby on her hip while chasing a rogue wheel through a crowded airport. She basically charmed everyone around her into giving her their cookies as the refreshment cart passed by excitedly asking them all for cookies. We need to have a little chat about her current obsession with cookies. And also about her lack of stranger danger.