I know I don't usually post Scarlette updates on this part of the blog but my baby could use some prayers this morning.
Scarlette had her 2 month immunizations yesterday and seemed to do well with them. This morning she took a huge downward turn. She has stopped breathing several times, so they've had to put her back on the bubble CPAP. It's at the highest rate before they'd have to reintubate her.
They have to stop her feeding, which is a huge setback. Not only will she lose weight, but they have to put her back on TPN. TPN is what caused her liver damage, so there is no way her liver can improve while she's back on it. She's having a hard time having bowel movements again, which is a sign that she's just tired of fighting all this. I don't want her to have to fight so hard, but I desperately need her to. I hate the injustice in that.
They've also had to start antibiotics for potential infection and so that means she has an IV again, which creates an even bigger risk for more infection.
Honestly, I can't even bring a verse to mind. I can't think of anything except for that she was doing so much better. And that I trusted them that these shots wouldn't hurt her. But she's hurting and I don't know what to do. I'm throwing on some sweats and heading to the hospital to settle in for the day/night. Please pray for my daughter.
All my deepest love and gratitude.