The other night we were having dinner with friends and Jeff was fixing my plate since I was busy tending to Scarlette. And by “tending to” I mean attempting to wrangle her off of the top of whatever piece of furniture she had managed to scale. The dish was lasagna and I overheard my husband ask our hostess for a spoon.
“Kayla eats everything with a spoon, I heard him explain to her, Everything. Even things that aren’t meant to be eaten with a spoon, like pasta and raw vegetables.”
“And small ones, he continued, she only likes to eat off the small set of utensils. And at home she only ever uses a dessert plate. She’s really quirky about her servingware.”
I was touched in the way that you are when you’ve been with someone for seven years and the itch named for equal time rubs raw on occasion and then you unexpectedly catch a glimpse of the sweet familiar in the thoughtfulness of a seemingly silly request “She likes small spoons.”
I told him how much I appreciated him indulging my neurosis because I did and because seriously, I flippin’ hate forks.
They are all tine-y and require way too much intense concentration to use lest you gouge yourself in the cheek while attempting to enjoy a piece of cake.
And I don’t even know why silverware companies bother making the large forks and spoons included in silverware sets. I mean, the only way I’ll even contemplate using one of those is if all of the other normal-sized utensils are dirty and I have yet to run the dishwasher. They are awkward and cumbersome and totally useless to me in general. Am I right or am I right? I am right.
Also, my dessert plates have flowers on them. That’s just cute.