1) Apparently one of my neighbors raises chickens. I assume this because the other day there were a bunch of chickens mulling about in our cul-de-sac. Our neighborhood is set back off this really long, country road so I am guessing that someone is currently out and about trying to round up a bunch of chicken escapees. I like to imagine that someone is the same someone who mows his lawn wearing nothing but a pair of tightey whiteys.
2) I'm trying to coupon. I spent hours trying to figure out THE SYSTEM where people buy $1,327,094.88 worth of groceries for just 56 cents. At the end of the whole thing, my head hurt and I felt like I was back in ninth grade studying for my algebra tests. Except that my ninth grade algebra teacher was this creepy old guy who let the girls in his class retake the test the next day…after he went over the test and wrote the answers on the board. That was the only year I ever aced algebra. And also? It did not prepare me for the real world, the one in which I use math only when trying to figure out how in the heckfire to save money on diapers.
3) Three bowls of Lucky Charms does not seem like too many. In fact, it seems delicious. Magically delicious, you might say. Until an hour after you've eaten three bowls of Lucky Charms. Then you say something else entirely.
4) I find that while pregnant, it's very difficult for me to abstain from constantly singing "My humps, my lovely lady lumps, check it out." I'm really very fun to be around, and not at all annoying.
5) This was not posted on Friday because on Tuesday our computers were eaten by a virus and we had no internet while my husband did something to fix them. I don't know what it was. He's a genius. Also, he is very good looking. And a great cook. And has lots of patience with his wife, who accidentally gave their computers viruses by using Skype, even though he told her not to use Skype because of the fact that it might give them a virus. Also, he smells nice.