Every time I go to the grocery store I pass a display of brand new school supplies, which makes me all nostalgic about Back To School season. It also makes me think of the above quote from You've Got Mail. I actually can't stand the movie You've Got Mail but my best friend played it multiple times a week in our college dorm room and thus, it is burned into my memory. I can't hold a grudge because we only owned one movie each and my pick was The Princess Diaries. This is probably why we didn't get a lot of dates in college. And by we, I totally mean only me.
My obsession with school supplies began in elementary school. Once the calendar pages flipped to July, I set about my mission to annoy my mother into taking me shopping for back to school supplies. Typically she made me hold out until August, back when summer break actually lasted an entire summer and students didn't file through the classroom doors until right around Labor day. After picking out the perfect Trapper Keeper, I'd spend hours of my (summer, no school) day meticulously organizing my Lisa Frank pencil box. I'm pretty sure I've always been slightly neurotic.
And still, I kinda wish I had a reason to buy school supplies right now.