Thank you so much for the kind words on my grandfather's passing.
I've been remiss in blogging Scarlette updates over here and I have a really good reason. It's called "this baby keeps me really, really busy and I forget to download the bazillion photos off my memory card." I posted more pictures on flickr.
Jeff came home the other day and as soon as Scarlette saw him she squealed with delight. It was the cutest thing.
Here is the big news: Scarlette rolled from her back to her tummy! This is such a huge deal because it's one of the areas that she is delayed in because of her arm fractures + laying in a hospital bed for five and a half months. We've been working so hard on rolling in her physical therapy.
And normally she just lays there and looks at us like "Yeah, that toy? It does not interest me enough to make me want to exert any effort to roll over there for it. Y'all are gonna have to do a little better than than a plastic rattle. Show me the money, people. SHOW ME THE MONEY!"
I had her laying on her back next to me while I worked, glanced over and she was on her belly! And then I got REALLY, REALLY excited. And she burst into tears because apparently, when mommy squeals with delight it is more scary than cute.
I was reading the Amazima blog this week and was struck by the sentiment that He has entrusted me with much. I feel so deeply the responsibility of loving and rearing a child. And with Scarlette, whenever she does something that's so simple yet so hard for her (like rolling over) I'm deeply in awe of how blessed we are. Of how far she's come. And how we are, indeed, entrusted with much.
(Amy Tangerine sent her those cute shirts. Are they not the sweetest?!)