Sometimes I have opportunities as a blogger where companies ask me to write on a certain topic. I love that because it’s nice to have fresh writing prompts and be creative and also get paid because holycrapthisbabyisexpensive. I’m working on a piece about growing older and wanted to include a picture of my great-grandparents so I dug out an old box full of family photos
I like to call that box “PANDORA’S BOX” because it contains pictures from my childhood and opening it makes for much weeping and gnashing of teeth. That’s why we keep it stored out of sight, because the camera? IT DID NOT LOVE ME. And judging from these photos, neither did my parents.
You’re like “Oh KA, it can’t be THAT bad” but you just wait until you scroll down. I sent this picture to my father and he texted me back “I am so sorry.” But I’m pretty sure he still owes me a pony to make up for the trauma that occured from sending me off to school looking like this every day.
I was trying to scan in a bunch of terrible pictures of myself in my younger days because with age comes wisdom and the ability to find these photos hilarious in addition to being completely horrifying. And also because sometimes 15 year old girls read my blog and email me for advice and to those girls I would like to say A) You’ll meet another boy and not be heartbroken forever, I swear and B) you really will grow into your nose. Although you might never fully grow into your front teeth…
Scarlette kept pressing buttons on the scanner and now it won’t scan anything at all but honestly? You don’t even need to see all the other pictures. You just need to see this one and that will tell you everything you ever needed to know about why I faked sick on dodgeball days in gym class and also why no one ever kissed me until I was 16.
You. Are. Welcome.