Remember how literally one week ago when talking about Scarlette’s issues with milk I was all “I’m so grateful it is not severe enough that I would need to carry an epi-pen?”
Yeah, that. I did not have to use one, thank the Lord, but after Scarlette had a severe reaction to something the doctor decided that we should carry one. We’re not actually sure which food triggered the attack the other day because she did not have anything new with her meal.
We met with the allergist afterwards but it turns out that you can’t have any antihistamines for seven days prior to having a skin test so we aren’t able to do that until this coming week. It is kind of a terrible wait, not knowing what caused it to happen and feeling on edge with every single meal you prepare for your child but I am thankful that they are getting her taken care of as soon as possible. And honestly y’all, I was able to give her medication and get her to the doctor quickly so I am mostly just very thankful it wasn’t worse.
I knew we were going to have to do the skin test at some point this year because her pediatrician has been worried about a few of her ongoing symptoms so I am actually glad that we hadn’t done it yet and that this way we can at least have it all done at one time. On the other hand, she is having twenty six tests and that is a lot of sticks for my little girl.
Yesterday we went to visit her grandmother at work and she fell flat out on the concrete but she didn’t even cry, she just got up and kept running towards the door. I had to haul her to a stop so that I could wipe off the blood running down her knees and elbows. She is kind of hardcore, Scarlette, my tiny little brave girl and so the whole thing will probably be worse for me than her.
But to be honest, I am feeling a bit sad about this development. I can’t really put my finger on it and I am not sure why this, of all the things that we have gone through with her, makes me feel this way. I’m likely overreacting since I don’t even actually have any answers yet but that’s the truth of it. LET ME JUST LEAVE YOU WITH ALL THE HAPPY FEELS THIS WEEKEND.
To make up for all the sads, here is an adorable video of my kid. I bought the Elsa doll for my niece’s birthday the other day and we decided to surprise Scarlette with one too because she is constantly pretending that she is Elsa. We weren’t even sure if she would like it or not because she has never shown any interest in barbie or princess type dolls at friend’s houses so her reaction to it absolutely made our night.
P.S. I got the Elsa doll here on amazon in a ten minute window that it was in stock but I haven’t been able to find an Anna doll in her movie outfit. If you happen to see one, I would love a head’s up. I’m going out in search of one to give her after her test 🙂 *affiliate link so I can buy said Anna doll 😉