So okay, I know. I KNOW. A little over a year ago when my husband brought up essential oils to me I was a total skeptic. I don’t know why, it just seemed a little crunchy for me. I also don’t know why this bothered me because I am kind of crunchy. I mean, I cloth diapered. I baby wear. I have my own vegetable garden and we get our meat and dairy from a local farm. If that’s not a little crunchy, I don’t know what is.
I am super neurotic about what I put on my daughter’s skin. For one thing, she has the world’s most sensitive preemie skin. For another, I once read an article about how many toxins our skin absorbs from the parabens and such in lotion and resolved to only use all-natural products on Scarlette.
So since Scarlette was born, I have only bought things that are 100% natural, from the lavender/calendula oil that I put on her at night to the eucalyptus chest rub I use when she is sick. And recently I realized that all of those use essential oils, because, you know, they are all natural. I have no idea why I didn’t make the connection before. I mean, I read ingredients.
Then I started finding some recipes online and discovered that I could totally DIY all of these things myself. And y’all know how I feel about DIY! And that’s when I decided to order some essential oils, because I’m crafty.
I did a ton of research (literally, I spent 3 months researching before I purchased) and felt the best about going with Young Living’s oils because they are not diluted and don’t have any synthetic fillers and seemed to be the best quality on the market. And, there are 50+ hospitals that use Young Living essential oils. Plus, I really trusted my friends that referred them to me. So I ordered the premium starter kit so that I could try out a variety of oils.
I love our kit, y’all. I love it.
I started very slowly when first trying everything out. In fact, for the first couple of months I only put two oils on Scarlette because I’m such a safety freak. Doctors love me and my million questions. And for everything I’ve put on myself I have done a 24 hours patch test because I have such sensitive skin. I’ve been using our oils for over a year now and they are a daily part of the routine for everyone in my house. (Seriously, even my husband uses them every day now.)
And so this is the Premium Starter Kit that I bought to get started:
The kit is $150, which I know is a bit of an investment because I spent my Christmas money on it last year. (Thank you, family!) IMO it is worth it for the frankincense and diffuser alone- even wholesale those two together are almost $150. I had no idea the Frank was so expensive and now I am like “MY PRECIOUS!” every time I pour it on my q-tip.
But the price of each of the oils + diffuser separately added up to a lot more than the kit price and I felt like it was the best bang for my buck.
At first I was a little hesitant to sign up as a distributor because I didn’t actually want to sell anything. But the only way you could get the kit with 10 oils + diffuser was to sign up as a distributor and I really wanted that kit! Kristina promised me that I did NOT have to sell. That it was more like a Sam’s club membership: When I signed up as a distributor, I would be able to get wholesale prices on the oils.
(In fact, I heard a rumor that they are changing the wording to “member” instead of “distributor” since it’s kind of confusing since you don’t actually have to sell anything. That’s total hearsay though, no one sue me if it’s not true.)
(ETA: It’s totally true, you can choose Wholesale Member now! That is so much less confusing.)
I figured that I could get on board with that and so I signed up. And then I just let my friends order their oils at my wholesale cost. Turns out, you can earn bonus points and so I earned some free oils doing that.
And if people sign up to buy a kit using your referral link, you get a little bonus. At first I wasn’t sure about the whole referral based thing but then I thought that lots of places do that these days- Zulily and The Honest Co. and Groupon and so forth – and I totally use those referral links on my blog. And then I can buy more frankincense. I really can’t be without it now.
Anyhow, we use our oils every single day and I realize that makes me even more crunchy but I’ve been using them for a year and a half and I am so happy with them. If you’re interested in trying them out, feel free to shoot me an email via the contact form above and I’ll share some of my favorites + some DIY recipes!
Disclaimer: This is my personal experience with the oils and what works for me. None of this should be taken as medical advice. If you have allergies/other conditions/concerns, ask your doctor. Seriously, a combination of natural things like diet + essential oils and modern medicine is what works for us but I am not a physician and do not make any medical claims about all this stuff. I’m simply sharing a personal opinion about a product that I use and like because I enjoy making my own bath/body products. Also, my family does not ingest the oils – I know plenty of people do but we do not, fyi.