scarlette vonne, 6 months- more photos here
UnDomestic When making cinnamon rolls from a can, it's important to remember to check and make sure that the metal icing lid is not stuck to the bottom of one of the rolls.
This is important because if you later pop said plate of cinnamon rolls in the microwave because your baby started screaming and you couldn't eat them fresh out of the oven, well then you've inadvertently set yet another fire in your kitchen. This is all hypothetical, y'all.
Reading A few people asked in this post who my favorite Amish fiction authors are. If you're getting started, go with the Lancaster County Secrets series or anything by Beverly Lewis.
Blogging The $100 Homegoods giveaway is still open here. I've had a few people ask how I got to be a part of that and some questions about how I make a little income from my blog. I'm totally happy to do a post or two on how to make money blogging if that is something y'all are interested in, if so please let me know or feel free to ask a question.
Sleep Deprived I went to put a bottle in the refrigerator and found it a half an hour later in the entertainment center. They aren't even in the same room. (Side Note: why is there no d in refrigerator but there is a d in fridge? I disapprove.)
More Sleep Deprived I've been washing Scarlette with bubble bath for the past week. Apparently, I mixed up the bottles and thus kept wondering why the body wash was suddenly so dang foamy.