(Just some quick Scarlette snapshots from around here lately. A) Helping me decorate the Christmas tree B) Playing with her friend C, who is 11 months old and C) Wearing her daddy’s boots, which is just about the cutest thing ever.)
(1) Probably it is not a good idea to leave me alone with a carton of eggnog and some gingerbread men if you were hoping to have any of either for yourself tonight.
(2) You should not ask Scarlette to say the word “sit” if you have a delicate sensitivity to offensive language. Because apparently my child has a lisp. It’s very cute. She says some of her S sounds as G’s, such as her name “Gar-Yick,” and some of them as SH’s like when she asks for candy and says “shweet!” or when you tell her to take a seat and she says “sit, sit!” Only she doesn’t say sit. <- Re-read that last line in a slow motion voiceover like this
(3) I just recently discovered Very Jane. Have y’all heard of this site? And if so, why did none of you tell me about it? I’m so excited because I had these leg warmer boot cuffs bookmarked FOREVER and I just got them for over half off. I realize that you are probably looking at these and thinking to yourself “Self, I can see that your child has calves the size of a toothpick. There is no way these are going to fit her.” And you would be correct. I ordered these for myself. In the child size. I am not even exaggerating when I describe myself as “elf-like.”
(4) Scarlette and I are about to start doing some advent activities. Several of them involve gluing marshmallows to things. I feel as though this is just going to encourage my child to be a paste eater.
(5) I would really like to know how y’all do Santa Clause. I’ve been seeing so many different things on Pinterest and around the internet. This is the first year that Santa will visit and while I plan to keep that portion of our holiday small I do want it to be fun and magical. What happens at your house? Does Santa wrap presents or no? Are stockings in bedrooms or on the mantel? What gets left out for him? I want to sift through some ideas and get a feel for what our own Christmas mornings will look like.