Last fall one of my friends flew in to stay with us for a couple of days and she brought me some fancy bath bombs. I loved them so much that I cut the last two in half so that I could make them last longer. Because I am thrifty like that. And because shortly after I fell completely in love with bath bombs I discovered that those little things are expensive and that I could not justify having them as a line item in our budget.
ENTER PINTEREST. I learned how to make my own bath bombs, y’all. And this is one Pinterest project that totally worked, unlike the last time I tried to take advice from that place.
Earlier this week my friend Kaela came over (not to be confused with me, Kayla. I know. It’s very difficult for people when she and I sit together at church.) Anyhow, we played around with a few different recipes and sort of altered things a bit until we came up with something that worked for as large of a batch as we needed to make. It was really fun and incredibly easy. If this were 1999 I’d make a joke about how these things are “da bomb” but I am a very mature grown up now and stuff. Here is what you will need:
(affiliate links included)
– Citric Acid
– Baking Soda
– Lavender Essential Oil or Specialty Tea (like green tea, we used vanilla coconut green tea similar to this)
– Coconut oil
– Epsom Salt
– Silicone Molds – we used a candy mold for the small bombs and these silicone muffin liners for the large bombs
– Miniature Jelly Jars
We made two batches, one with the lavender oil and one with the green tea just for some variety.
First, mix together all the dry ingredients: 1 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of epsom salt and 1/2 cup citric acid. Whisk until it’s well blended.
In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredients. You’ll want to add about 3 tablespoons of oil to whatever you are using as your scent base. We added about a teaspoon and a half of lavender oil plus a tiny (like, 1/4 tsp) bit of water to the coconut oil for the batch of lavender bombs and about two teaspoons of brewed tea to the oil for the batch of green tea bombs.
Keep a scoop of dry mix out and then slowly pour your wet mixture into your dry mixture. If it starts to fizz, add the dry mixture back in to stop that from happening. You can add food coloring in at this step but we left ours white.
Whisk together until the consistency is such that you can make a little ball when you squeeze it together but still crumble it up. We had to slowly add in a little bit of tea as we went to get the right consistency – you just have to feel it out as you go, honestly.
( Also, I feel like Kaela could totally have a career in hand modeling.)
Then spoon your mixture into your molds and let dry overnight! That is SERIOUSLY ALL YOU DO. See? Super easy.
I put ours into little jelly jars for gifts – I could fit three small bombs into one jar and that is going to make one cute Mother’s Day gift, y’all. Total cost for 36 bath bombs? About $15!
Here is a fun video showing the what it looks like when you drop it in the water!
(And if you liked this post, I’d love for you to pin it for all those other people looking for a last minute mother’s day gift!)