(On Thursdays I am reposting older content from my 8+ years of archives because it frees me up time to write for book stuff and also because it’s fun for me to re-visit these stories from early in my relationship with Jeff ♥ This story is from one year into our marriage.)
So I’m super sick again. I was well for about three days and then yesterday it hit me again full force. I’m annoyed about this because I have things I need to do, things like buying a new shower curtain. But instead, I’m curled up in bed with thirty boxes of tissues and some medicine that cost $25 for like, 5 pills. Which better cure me because that $25 could have bought me this really cute pink sweater at the Gap.
So we really needed another shower curtain because we went from a 1 bedroom/1 bath apartment to a 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment. And a long time ago we decided that we would have separate bathrooms in the new apartment, and that my bathroom would be the guest bathroom. This is because Jeff is a hairy guy and no one told me before I got married that men get hair all over the bathroom. I figured that guests would use the hall bathroom and so if I let Jeff have the master bath off the bedroom I wouldn’t have to run in the bathroom before my guests needed to tinkle to make sure there was not man hair everywhere. I am a very thoughtful hostess.
So back to the shower curtain story. I am in bed sick and Jeff was going to run errands.
“Can you pick up a shower curtain for the master bath?” I asked sweetly through my tissues.
“Sure. What kind?” he asked
“Whatever. It’s your bathroom.” I answered.
This is one of those times where people did not warn me about marriage. Specifically, that if you want your house to have a certain decor, you do not give husband free reign to choose a shower curtain.
Otherwise known as the guest bathroom. I would like to take a moment to point out that this is all the stuff from our old bathroom, which Jeff helped me pick out when we registered.
You know, when he refused to let me have a pink damask shower curtain, which I am totally bitter about due to the recent appearance of Exhibit B in our lives.
Otherwise known as Yes. This Is Seriously What My Husband Bought And Hung In Our Bathroom.
If I wasn’t so doped up on sinus medicine, this just might drive me to drink.
When I asked him (sweetly, very sweetly) what possessed him to buy this shower curtain he told me that this was all Target had. As though I do not have the entirety of Target’s merchandise memorized.
Turns out, this was all Target had for $5 because apparently men think it is ridiculous to spend more than $5 on a shower curtain. He said it was between this and fish, and he thought the sucks * were way cooler than the fish. Good Lord, I love my husband.
* When I proofread this, I realized that I misspelled ducks and that misspelling resulted in the word sucks. Coincidence? I think not. So I left it.
**Update: a few months after this occurred, I did this in retaliation. It was pretty epic.