I thought my first tennis lesson went fairly well. There was that one a couple a few several times that I accidentally hit the ball into the other court, but the people playing didn't get mad at me or anything. They did pack up their stuff and leave after the fourth ball that I slammed at the man's forehead, but they were probably just tired and stuff. Tennis is exhausting you know.
Once we had the courts all to ourselves and I didn't have to worry about nailing someone with my Penn 2s, I really started getting the hang of things. I felt really good about my progress until Jeff pointed out that I had hit 8 out of 9 tennis balls over the court fence and into the woods. Yeah, so apparently I might be better at baseball. Because those suckers would have been home runs. And I didn't even have to take any performance enhancing drugs, Manny Ramirez. You got owned by a 90 pound girl on a tennis court.
I do feel encouraged though, because in all honesty I didn't totally suck. I mean, okay so obviously my forehand needs a little work. But my backhand? I'm not even going to be modest y'all. My backhand is killer. My goal is to train through the summer and join an ALTA team in the fall.
I wish I'd played tennis when I was younger, because while I did love gymnastics it's not like I can just go fling myself around some random bars when I feel the need to expend athletic energy. Okay, I mean I could but Jeff forbids me to do that on the chin-up bars at the park even though I swear to him that it is totally safe. It's just one little back hip circle, it's not like I want to try and go all Shawn Johnson on the thing.
The best part about this whole tennis thing? Tennis outfits are totally hot.