A few months ago the ladies at (in)courage invited me to be a part of a new portion of the site that they are launching today. I waited until the very, very last minute to accept because, while incredibly honored, my time is spread far too thin and I wanted to prayerfully consider it. But at the eleventh hour I pressed send on my yes.
The new communities page at (in)courage says this: “We love the idea of conversations continuing way beyond the comments on a blog post and spilling over into deep, meaningful connections. We believe friendship can transcend time zones, cultures and blog comment boxes. And we want to connect you with friends who get where you’re at and can encourage you along the way.”
My friend Wendy and I will be hosting a small community for mamas to chat about motherhood, sharing encouragement and grace and other random stuff such as the fun things we find on Pinterest (don’t act like you’re not addicted to Pinterest!) You can find us here, a little BlogFrog community called mamas(in)grace and you are welcome to join us.
For every thing there is a season and the ministry of motherhood is currently the captivation of my heart and that is the central reason that I wanted to do this. I have no idea what I am doing. I’m just livin’ on a prayer when it comes to this mama thing. Like Bon Jovi. Except sort of nothing like Bon Jovi. I seriously just can’t help myself when it comes to song lyric references.
When Wendy and I were talking through motherhood, I think we both shared the same feelings that sometimes? Sometimes when you’re walking around with dirty hair because you haven’t showered in three days (okay, five) and your dry shampoo really isn’t cutting it and your toddler just poured an entire bottle of bubbles on the dog and then said dog ran from said toddler in terror and attempted to de-bubble their fur by rolling around on your couch?* Those moments can make it hard to remember things like about how motherhood is a high calling to make an eternal difference.
That’s really what mamas(in)grace is about. A breather, some mommy time, a reminder, shared grace. A meeting place to do life together, where we’re at. Our first session will run from October 2 (that is today, hooray!) through December 2, 2012. There’s no to-do list, nothing to check off, no books to read. It’s just a place to talk via our keyboards, a conversation on a common bond. If you’d like to join us, we’re chatting here.
If you are not a mama or you just prefer a community that doesn’t center on motherhood, there are so many places for you! From marriage-focused groups, to groups for all the single ladies (put your hands up!**) to empty nesters and more. Click here to see a full list of community groups.
* True story, morning glory. No Lucy Dogs were harmed in the bubble dousing incident of 2012.
** I really can’t even help myself. I’m like “Self, don’t throw random song lyrics by Beyonce into serious posts about things like grace” but then my fingers refuse to click backspace because who doesn’t love the singles ladies song?