My three year old has an invisible friend.
It’s basically adorable.
It took us a few days to catch on to the fact that Sophie is not, in fact, a real person.
Apparently, Sophie has purple hair, enjoys going to the playground, and likes to peer in our windows.
“Shee dat Shophie? Shee dat Shophie wooking in our window?” Scarlette will ask us.
This would be incredibly creepy if if Sophie didn’t also go swimming
“Shophie go to da shwimming. She doing in the water.”
Or sneak bites of Scarlette’s food to our dog.
“Oh no! Sophie gibin Wucy my shammich!”
(as I watch Scarlette hand her sandwich to the dog.)
Or enjoy a leisurely afternoon at the farmer’s market.
“Sophie goin to da fahmuhs market wite now. I needed shum cawwots.”
Or run out to Publix to get Scarlette a cookie.
“Shophie jusht go to da Pwubwix to get me a cookie. She be wite back!”
(Scarlette tells me every night in her prayers that she is thankful for some variation of “Jeshush who go to da shtore and get me dose cookies!” so I guess Sophie and Jesus are besties.)
I asked Scarlette to draw me a picture of Sophie:I remember having an invisible friend. Her name was Kristine but I was in kindergarten. I’m surprised that Scarlette has created one so early, although I think she has started to notice a lack of siblings. After we hang out with her cousins, she spends a lot of time asking me where her brother is.
She has also started randomly bringing out my high school scrapbook, pointing to random people in it and asking “Is dis my BWUDDER?!”
(Sorry, girl that sat next to me in math class. If it makes you feel any better, we both had unfortunate hair cuts.)
But my favorite is when she just randomly talks to Sophie around our house. She’ll just be standing at her play kitchen, mixing up her vegetables from her pretend trip to the farmer’s market and say “Oh! Do you want shum shoup Shophie? Oh! Okay! Okay Sophie! Here shum shoup for you!”
Do/Did your toddlers have invisible friends?