So when I was ordering our Christmas cards, I spotted this personalized wrapping paper. And because I’m kind of obsessed with how cute my kid is, I thought that obviously all of her grandparents would enjoy having their gifts wrapped in pictures of her. I’m not really one to spend money on wrapping paper as I usually hit up Target the day after Christmas and buy all of my Christmas supplies for the next year dirt cheap but I had some credit and figured that it would be a fun splurge.
When it arrived, I was so taken with how precious my adorable darling baby child is that I was all “LOOK AT OUR SPECIAL WRAPPING PAPER!”
And then my husband was like “That’s really cool. Who are The Harrisons?”
And I was all “What are you even talking about, Jeff?”
That was when I noticed that the wrapping paper says “From The Harrisons” all over it.
Which would be awesome if we were The Harrisons.
We are not The Harrisons.
What is even more crazy is that normally they have a designer proof your order and send you a final copy to sign off on. Only for Christmas, they had a special deal where you could skip the proofing process and get a discount on your order. Because I am really cheap frugal and also might have been somewhat overly confident that I had definitely replaced all of the placeholder names on the wrapping paper, I chose that option.
I make wise choices.
Apparently, I am the world’s worst proofreader (unless you want to offer me a book deal, and then I am amazing at proofreading) and did not even notice that I failed to change the placeholder name in about seventeen billion places.
In the end I decided to leave it because, well, it’s such a typical me thing and it’s is also kind of hilarious. And because maybe it will become one of those treasured memories, like that one year I accidentally set the tree on fire (not to be confused with that other year that I accidentally set the tree on fire.)
Or that time I mixed up “cloves” and “garlic cloves” when cooking my first (and last) Christmas ham.
(And okay, also because I’m cheap.)
Merry Christmas!
From, The Harrisons
(P.S. It’s from Minted, for those of y’all who asked)
(P.P.S. Ten points for anyone who caught all of the typos in this post that I meticulously proofread, obviously.)