Lately I've been listening to the playlist over on my friend Laura Anne's blog.
I find it amusing that I enjoy Laura Anne's taste in music now, seeing as for a lengthy period of time she had a very disturbing obsession with all things jay-Z.
Because when I think of Laura Anne and music, I think of walking into her highschool bedroom and finding her singing along to "Big Pimpin"
Which, if you've ever met Laura Anne or her pastor father, you would find amusing too. And slightly ironic.
I have to admit I'm a bit of a music snob. I only listen to Buddy Holly, 90's angst music, and Britney Spears. I do not do top 40's music unless it is Taylor Swift, but if she writes one more song where someone throws a pebbles at someone else's window I am going to revolt. Seriously Taylor, not everyone does that. I dated a lot of boys and only one ever did that to me. And then he cheated on me. So you don't get to put that line in 3 songs off the same album and call yourself real.
I also do not do generic Christian music, much to my own chagrin every time we visit a new church and I don't know any of the words. I'm a fan of soulful words, which is why we keep The Normals and Indelible Grace on repeat in our house. Plus, my husband is a way bigger music snob than me. But I need music to move me, I need it to make me feel. I need music to take my heart and pulse with emotion. To thread the air with the things inside of myself that I can't let out and wrap them around me.
I love the first two songs on Laura Anne's playlist. I love the way they make me feel things. I don't know if they are popular songs or not, I've never heard them til the other day. And I loved the way they made me feel.
Especially on days when my imperfection is pronounced and I need to just feel.
So check them out. Plus, if you like the first song, you can get the whole album for free here. I love when artists give away free music.