It’s the email that appears repeatedly in my inbox, the same message spelled out in different words each time from various kind hearted people around the country. Their friend or family member has just had a baby prematurely and while their stories are not all the same they each want to know “What can I do to help?”
I answer them back and always in my reply I tell them how kind they are to want to help because I know what those new parents are feeling.
Preemie Babies 101 asked me to share a little bit about how others reached out to us and what I found most helpful during our NICU stay, so please click over to Preemie Babies 101 to read the entire post and to see more on what I think is the greatest gift you can give.
Regardless, I appreciated greatly that so many people acknowledged my daughter and celebrated her birth because the truth was, she weighed one pound, eight ounces and the possibility that she might die was very real and near. And if that were to be our story, I wanted her to be known. I didn’t want her to exist just in the confines of the hospital walls but in the hearts of everyone who would otherwise have loved her had we wheeled out of the hospital with her.