[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvNOYTUc5bA?list=UUWcv0IKKy80pBdVE_LA4cTA&w=590&h=332]
I started a vlog. I mean, I used to make videos and post them on this blog but then I quit doing that because of how someone tricked me with a facebook message that said “LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF YOU!” only it turns out that it was actually a virus. And if you were wondering who those people are that fall for those virus links, THOSE PEOPLE ARE ME. And it broke my laptop, which had a webcam, which I used for video blogging, and then I was all “Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend, you have been the one, you have been the one for me.”
Except that wasn’t actually me, that was James Blunt. I just really like that song.
But! Lately I have become enamored with youtube vlogs and I decided that I would totally start doing videos again because I’m trying to pour most of my creative writing energy into a book but still want to document what is going on in our lives.
Anywebcam, this is my new youtube channel. I decided to use it over Vimeo because I can separate my videos into playlists for things like my random thoughts about Upstairs, Downstairs or reviews of stuff I buy (like the one I did of my new Kelly Moore camera bag) or videos of Scarlette being exceptionally cute and charming. Like the video above where she randomly starts singing her ABC’s and then informs me that she does not wish to sing past LMNOP, thankyouverymuch. And also some tutorials because I get a million and seven requests every week for me to show people how I roll my hair up into a sock bun. It will not be pretty. I will look like a Teletubby. But I will oblige. I’m a giver.
If you click “Subscribe” it will let you know when I have a new video (because I don’t plan to update my blog each time.) And did you know that you can post video responses to videos? Of course you did because I am the only twenty-something in the world that did not know that. But if you do that, IT WILL BE LIKE WE ARE HAVING A CONVERSATION IN PERSON.
And it will make me feel like I’m living in The Jetsons.