Scarlette is allowed to play with my kindle for set period of time each day, if she has good behavior. I have the free time app for it so that she can’t buy stuff but she can download anything that is in the free time section. I had no idea she knew how to download stuff. I set the carousel up with all of my approved games/books and let her choose from that.
I discovered that she did, indeed, know how to download stuff when my kindle kept telling me it’s storage was full and I was all “I don’t download THAT many books, kindle!” I could not figure out what the deal was until the next day, when I turned on the free time app for her and saw that she had filled it with every Super Why book/movie/app ever made.
Even then I thought she was just randomly adding stuff without really knowing what she was doing.
I really should know by now to to ever underestimate Scarlette, y’all.
I bought my nephew a book off of his Christmas list and Scarlette desperately wanted to read it. I told her no because it was a gift but that child must have asked me a million times to read her that book, even bringing it to me in it’s wrapping. How does she know it’s that one? There are like, seven books under that tree! She is a genius, obviously.
A few days later I turned on the kindle and there, in all it’s digital glory, was a copy of that exact book that Scarlette apparently took it upon herself to download.
I didn’t even know she knew how to DO that.