I added a little FAQ page to the navigation bar with answers to some of the questions I am emailed frequently. And it was so fun to talk about myself (apparently I'm quite the narcissist), I decided to jump on the formspring.me bandwagon. Click here and you can ask me anything you like. I know some of you have a lot of specific questions about my infertility and I am not opposed to talking about it, I'm just feeling out how much blog space I want to use to discuss the massive amount of information it entails, but feel absolutely free to ask me there.
And thank you for your emails yesterday- I have over a hundred from the previous posts to reply to so I am behind on getting back to you all but I am incredibly touched by each, and that you took the time to share your own stories with me.
And now, I have questions for YOU!
1) What is your favorite movie scene?
2) How can I make these BOOST drinks not taste like chalk?
3) Team Edward of Team Jacob?
* The photo is just because A) posts need pictures and b) YUM. Source.