Scarlette came waltzing out holding this photo of me circa 1985 the other day. I looked at the date on the back and realized that I was the exact same age in this picture that she is now. So then I decided to go look for some photos of Jeff around that same age.
Here is what I would like to say about this: LOOK HOW MUCH HAIR I HAD AT TWO AND A HALF! Why is my baby still basically bald? Also, what sort of metal contraption is my husband sitting in? That does not look safe at all, Walt Disney.
I think it is obvious who Scarlette resembles the most. Which is, of course, Michelle Tanner.
Just kidding. We actually think she looks the most like Jeff’s brother and my father, who I don’t have permission to post photos of on the internet so that comparison is completely unhelpful to y’all. What do y’all think, based on the stellar photos that I have provided you with?