– What spit up looks like. What reflux spit up looks like. What exorcist baby spit up looks like.
– Apparently, Grey's Anatomy is a polarizing topic around here.
– I have no tools or ladders or relatives tall enough to clean the fan in our family room. How do people clean really high ceilings fans? This is totally over my head <- pun completely intentional. Also, now I have The Fray in my head.
– I can have caffeine again. Welcome back, beloved.
– I gave Tiff's girls some of Scarlette's tiny diapers & clothes for their baby dolls. Maier named her baby doll Scarlick. Not because she can't say Scarlette. Just because she likes the name Scarlick.
– Spellcheck does not approve of the spelling of Scarlette. Funnily enough, it totally approves of Scarlick.
– I love this space and the friendships cultivated through this keyboard. I already knew this, but sometimes I'm reminded of how grateful I am for y'all and the communication here. It's absolutely worth the occasional rude, anonymous email. Actually, it wasn't totally anonymous. It was signed Poopface. Which is really clever and not at all juvenile.
– I remember approximately 1/4 of the words to Vacation Bible School songs. Scarlette has a CD of VBS instrumentals that she loves and I'm all "The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me, I stand…what? Do I stand real tall? In the corner? Holding it? Squeeze it and hug it and love it to pieces? No, that's Looney Toons. La, la la la that's the book for me!"
– What a "bracket" is. I could not figure out why everyone was talking about shelving.