For the past year Jeff and I have been sharing one car while we saved up to buy a new one. This was okay when we worked at the same company. It was also okay when I worked from home. But once I had to drive to work? Not okay.
This is because Jeff and I work 45 minutes apart. In opposite directions. Which meant that I've been spending over two hours every day driving Jeff to work, driving myself to work, picking Jeff up from work and driving home. I only work 15 minutes from home. Do you know what I could do with all that extra time in my day? I could bake brownies or watch a Toddlers and Tiaras marathon or clean my house. Just kidding. I don't clean my house.
The point of this story is that we finally bought a new car. I slid into the passenger side for the first time and do you know what happened? A little light lit up on the dashboard to let us know that the car? It was turning off the passenger side airbag. BECAUSE THE CAR THOUGHT THAT I WAS A CHILD. Even the CAR thinks I look like a 12 year old.