![there was a photo booth in the movie theater!](http://kaylaaimee.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/turbo1.jpg)
A couple of weeks ago I took Scarlette to the movies for the first time. I wasn’t sure how that would go over considering that at home she typically flits around the living room acting out whatever is happening onscreen. Sitting still is not Scarlette’s forte, y’all. But our local theater offers free showings of kids movies in the summertime and I thought that would be a good time to try it out on account of how movies cost a fortune and so if we had to walk out, well, at least I wasn’t spending a bajillion dollars on it.
The first movie they were showing was Turbo, which is about a snail that wants to be a racer. Scarlette is very into racing. She constantly asks me to draw her racetracks to race her cars on and Mickey Mouse Road Rally is her favorite Netflix show. On the way to the movie theater she kept telling me “I not want to see dat movie. I onwy want to see da Fwozen movie.” I tried enticing her by telling her things that I thought she might like, such as “It’s a movie about a SNAIL!” and “It has ANIMALS in it! That TALK and SING!” And none of that worked until I explained “Scarlette, it’s a movie about RACING!” and her face lit up and she said “OH MY! I LOVE WACING! IS IT GONNA HAB A GWEEN FLAG AND A RED FLAG?!”
What I did not think about is the fact that my three and a half year old weighs about twenty six pounds and that if you put her in a movie theater chair, it will just fold up on itself, causing her to have a meltdown of epic proportions. I had to use my oversized bag and one of my legs to keep her seat down. Please see here. After the entire movie was over I learned that movie theaters now have things like booster seats for problems such as these. GOOD TO KNOW.
The movie was really cute and I recommend it for a family movie night pick. I thought it was sweet and enjoyed that the adult references were funny without being inappropriate. Scarlette loved it and she sat all the way through the entire thing, if you don’t count the times that she hopped up to dance whenever they played music. I was shocked, honestly, but so excited that she had such a good time.
Turbo is available on Netflix along with a Netflix exclusive series based on the movie called Turbo Fast. So in a funny twist, because I am part of the Netflix Stream Team they sent me a package to promote it (not knowing that I had just taken her to see it for the first time) and when I opened it I found a Turbo light-up headband inside. Let me just show you how excited Scarlette was about this:
She as also excited about eating watermelon, obviously.
If you haven’t seen Turbo with your kiddos yet, put it on your to-see list but be warned that your child will be singing WHOA, THAT SNAIL IS FAST! about five hundred and sixty three times a day.
On the plus side, at least she’s not singing Let It Go anymore.
Disclosure: I am member of the Netflix #StreamTeam which means in exchange for writing about what I’m watching on Netflix, they comp my streaming service. All opinions and words are my own. No one asked me to write about Turbo, I was supposed to write about my favorite summer movie I think, but what we are ACTUALLY watching over and over AND OVER now is Turbo so I am writing about that instead because I am a rebel 😉