Hi everyone, Tiff brought me a little laptop today. The latest news is that we're just trying different combinations to stop labor. I can't type much b/c moving irritates my uterus apparently. Also, I;m really drugged up.
I was thinking a lot last night about everything. It's so fast and so much to process. Overall her situation is worst case scenario all around and I covet your prayers, even if you don't pray please do. I was thinking I can't believe I'm now one of those bloggers with the sick baby asking the internet to pray for them. But the truth is, I'm just another mother in a hospital begging God to save her daughter's life. And I'm so grateful for you praying for her too. Her name is Scarlette.
Scarlette Vonne. She's named for my grandmother, Vonne, which means God's gracious gift.
I know thank you is not enough. But thank you.
Love, KA and Jeff