Yesterday I was at work on a beautiful, sunny day when out of nowhere it started raining pouring practically becoming the next Great Flood. I wasn't in the office when this happened, I'd driven over to the community center to meet a client. A client who happened to be a sweet little older lady, probably about my grandmother's age. We had been waiting out the storm for about 20 minutes when she began fretting about missing her hair appointment. She was very worried about this and kept wringing her hands together and talking about how "if only she'd gotten her umbrella from the trunk."
When the rain died down to a little more than a sprinkle, I offered to run grab her umbrella from her trunk from her. I know. HOW HAVE I NOT WON A NOBEL PRIZE YET? I fetched the umbrella and opened it up for my walk back.
That's the very moment when Mother Nature thought it would be hilarious to send a psuedo tornado to my exact location.
Lightning hits the field next to the community center, I scream like a crazy person, it starts raining so hard that I can't see. Like, literally the rain/wind hits me so hard that my contact lens falls out. And the umbrella? It blows inside out.
Back on the porch, drenched, shivering and half blind, two nice guys were attempting to fix the umbrella and another was trying to help dry me off with a roll of paper towels when one of them says "Dude, someone left their windows and sunroof open. That sucks."
Hi. Meet "someone."