So I thought I might be pregnant because well, I peed on this stick and it said I was. It had a faint little pink line on it and the pink line is supposed to mean you're pregnant so I pretty much spent most of last night completely spazzing out. Then I took another test and it had an even fainter line. Like, barely visible. Jeff and I spent a lot of time last night squinting at that stick.
So I call my best friend a little before midnight because she has more experience with this whole pregnancy test thing than I do. And we decide I should get a digital test this morning.
So early this morning I get up and go to Publix.
I'm checking out when it dawns on me what I look like.
I am practically floating because of that whole "holding it in for the morning test" thing so I'm standing in the checkout lane with my legs crossed and dancing like a 6 year old with a tiny bladder.
I have on no make up and no wedding ring.
And I'm wearing an old shirt of my sister's that says:
North Cobb High School Cheerleader
And I'm buying a pregnancy test, a snickers bar, and a Family Circle magazine.
Turns out I'm not pregnant after all. Maybe that first pack of tests was faulty. Or maybe I had another "chemical pregnancy" (I hate that term). There could be a lot of reasons because my body has more issues than Sports Illustrated.
But that's not important. What's important is that I bet I gave those checkout ladies a LOT to talk about this morning.
Happy Valentine's Day Publix Ladies!